Quiz Time

Dr. Saumya Ranjan Tripathy
MD DM, Assistant Professor, SCB, Cuttack

Avinash Jain, MD DM (SGPGIMS), IRF (UoB, UK)
Assistant Professor, Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences

Q 1: Who is a rheumatologist?
a) Deals with skin diseases
b) An orthopedician
c) A surgeon
d) Deals with autoimmune diseases
e) Never heard of
Q 2: What do you think is the difference between rheumatology and orthopedics?

a) There is no difference
b) There is one minor difference – an orthopedician operates whereas a rheumatologist cannot, else they deal with same diseases
c) Orthopedician deals with joint and bone problems and rheumatologists deals with autoimmune diseases
d) Orthopedician deals with joint and bone problems and I am not sure about rheumatologists

Q 3: Does a rheumatologist deal only with joint and muscle problems?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not sure

Q 4: What symptoms suggest the possibility of a rheumatologic disease?

a) Fever
b) Skin disease
c) Multiple organ involvement
d) No idea

Q 5: Which organs or parts of the body can be affected by rheumatologic diseases?

a) Only joints
b) Muscle
c) Skin
d) Brain
e) All of the above
f) Do not know

Q 6: Can children suffer from rheumatologic problems?

a) No, they are too young
b) Yes, only if their mother and/or father are suffering as well
c) Yes
d) Do not know

Q 7: Which gender suffers more from rheumatologic diseases?

a) Female
b) Male
c) Equal
d) Do not know

Q 8: Can you name some rheumatologic diseases?


Q 9: Do environmental exposures such as smoking, alcohol, infections, certain occupations increase the risk of rheumatologic diseases?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Some of them, not all
d) Do not know

Q 10: Are rheumatologic disorders commonly transmitted from parents to children?

a) Yes all, all the time
b) Yes, some of the times
c) No, never
d) Do not know

Q 11: Can rheumatologic diseases spread from patient to caregivers by contact?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Do not know

Q 12: What food restrictions are required in rheumatologic diseases?

a) Less protein
b) Less citrus products
c) Less milk
d) Less fermented products eg Dahi (Curd)
e) Depends on individual rheumatologic disease
f) All of the above
g) None of the above
h) Do not know

Q 13: How long should the treatment of rheumatologic diseases continue?

a) Should be stopped once symptoms resolve
b) Depends on the doctor
c) Depends on disease activity ( in most of them) and generally life-long

Q 14: Is there a risk of relapse if treatment is stopped after the patient becomes asymptomatic?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the disease
d) Do not know

Q 15: Can rheumatologic diseases be life-threatening?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the disease
d) Do not know

You can submit the answers by emailing us on indianrheum@gmail.com or submitting your answers by taking the quiz online at here